söndag 14 oktober 2012

Hey everyone!

Still writing on my paid assignements although me and Daniel have had some time in between to do some work of our own. Currently we're working on a step-brother/step-sister deal with a bit of humor, a bit of heart and lots of saucy, soppy sex. Just like we know that alot of you pervs love it ^^. Alot of balls in the air at the moment for both of us. Daniel is busy with some of his own stuff, and me i'm busy juggling these assignements.

It's all good, however. I like to be busy. Our literotica deal is coming forward too, we'll see how soon we can open our thread and start writing there.

To close off today's post, here's a picture of Penny Flame ^^


tisdag 9 oktober 2012

Bit of an update

So, both me and Daniel have been knee-deep in work over the past few days. I'm actually writing for a client currently, paid work that i'll submit to him on Friday  Hopefully then i'll have a bit more time to write something fun. grin .

Meanwhile, we're about to start up our initiative on Literotica - we're just waiting for the final approval from either Laurel or one of the administrators (or both). We've already been contacted by a number of prominent Literotica authors who want us to do reviews, interviews and want to be a part of it in general - a great response so far.

Hope you stay with us and read both the thread and the blog when it comes up!


torsdag 4 oktober 2012

A splendid Thursday to you all,

Everything going well, i'm hoping. We're doing very well indeed! Jasmine and i are planning our newest story and we've been toying with the idea of making a Wheel-of-time-series sort of short, sexual stories focused on different Aes Sedai/Ajah in the White Tower. Think it would be great fun to write something like that!

Meanwhile, we're still planning on a much longer Eric and Amber story related to our Halloween entry. The entry is currently up to 70 000 views, still over 600 votes and a nice average of 4,78. Very respectable and most of all an immense honor for both me and Jasmine. Our inbox is overflowing (well, 76 so far) with emails of praise, suggestions and questions. We never dreamed of this kind of response.

Anyway, those are the news from us. Be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions. If you like, sign up to our newsletter and you will be the first to know when we publish a new story!


tisdag 2 oktober 2012


Good morning! Things are still going strong for our Halloween entry. We're up to almost 55 000 viewers and over 500 votes at this point, with an average of 4,80.

It's an immense honor and we're very pleased with the turnout of this. We've also received over 50 emails with feedback from our readers, most of them suggesting we write more about Eric and Amber.

No doubt about it - we will do just that.

Another user had the idea of a mailing list/newsletter, something we've discussed earlier. We've put that idea into action. You can subscribe to our newsletter by clicking the link in the upper right part of our blog. Be sure to make the subject 'newsletter' - the body doesn't matter.

 Today we're going to discuss what our next little project will be.

 Stay tuned!


måndag 1 oktober 2012



I couldn't believe my eyes when i woke up this morning and saw that our story was published, already had over 6000 readers and an average score of 4,84. Had to IM Daniel immediately so he could check it out too. Never dreamed of that kind of response in a matter of hours, but then again it is a contest. Not sure what to expect.

Regardless, we're very happy that so many seem to like the story about Eric and Amber. You can find the story here.


Be sure to check out the other entries for the contest as well.

Happy reading, and thanks for any feedback you give us!


söndag 30 september 2012

A wonderful good morning to you all,

We've submitted our Halloween entry and are currently busy working on new projects. I (Jasmine) have actually gotten a couple of small jobs writing stories and a blog related to erotica, believe it or not. Much of the success in that, i give Literotica and the readers who have given us such glowing responses!

Thank you, everyone ^^.

Still - me and Daniel are now bouncing story ideas off each other, as to what we should be writing about next.

Got some suggestions? We'd love to hear them! Leave a comment or send us an email!

Naughty regards


(Click the beautiful nude for a larger version ;) )

fredag 28 september 2012

Good afternoon, people!

Well, we finished most of the Halloween story today. Turned out to be very fun and inspiring. We hope you'll enjoy it when we've reviewed  it and corrected things. There are always a lot of excellent entries in these sorts of contests, but i don't think we'll be ashamed to enter with this story.

So, keep your eyes peeled for it! Should be coming up Sunday, Monday or Tuesday!

Time to head out for the day.

Have a nice evening!


onsdag 26 september 2012

And good morning to you all!

Our Halloween story is developing into something very fun to be writing on. Apart from this, we've also decided to start a bit of a bigger project, fantasy-based and in an original setting. Got some ideas rolling around in our noggins and we'll see if we can have those coalesce into something of value.

Our Literotica endeavor is off to a flying start, at least - almost 15 000 viewers and 260 votes, as well as having been favorited by over 50 people in less than 10 days! Our scores and votes are nothing short of amazing in our book. We're very pleased with such an outcome, well beyond our expectations.

Also, we love all the comments and feedback we're getting, so please, keep that cumming ^^. A lovely picture from X-art to round things off.

Have a lovely day!


måndag 24 september 2012

Welcome to the Saucyerotica blog!

This is Jasmine writing, and it's a beautiful Monday morning :). Work takes up alot of time, as usual. Me and Daniel have been speaking about our Halloween entry, and we've written down the first 15 pages of material. So far so good - it's turning out to be an interesting story with an incest theme and a bit of supernatural horror twist.

Thank you for all your support, especially with the latest 3 stories. We're so happy that people seem to like them so much! Feel free to send us comments, we appreciate them all.

Here's a nice little picture Daniel found this morning. We promised some hot pictures, after all ;).

See you!
